What’s the ROI of Branding?

Ciao Amici,

I was inspired by the great designer Philip Vandusen’s recent post where he discussed the ROI and implications of branding.

The truth is… Too many business leaders undervalue branding.

They think it’s a nicely designed logo and colors that are somewhat consistent. This couldn’t be further from the truth.

Show Me The ROI!!

Let’s first define brand versus branding because it’s a nuance that matters.

Brand = A name, term, design, symbol, or any other feature that identifies a seller good, or service, as distinct from those of other sellers.

Branding = The architecting and managing the meaning and experience of the brand with intention.

So what does branding actually do?

It helps your business achieve the 3 R’s.

  • Being Recognized

  • Being Remembered

  • Being Revered

So, what is the ROI of branding?

Branding affects a business both internally and externally.

Here’s how…

External Effects of Branding

  • Creates clarity in the mind of your consumer.

  • Increases brand preference.

  • Increases brand value, which enables premium pricing.

  • Increases brand loyalty.

  • Improves sales.

  • Improves word-of-mouth.

Internal Effects of Branding

  • Employees have clarity about the company’s mission

  • Guarantees consistency in all the company’s actions

  • Increases the efficiency of all employee actions

  • Creates a sense of common purpose and improves staff morale

So, next time your boss or board member is hawking about whether or not to invest in branding, pull up this post and make them read it aloud while you sit there nodding along.

To your unstoppable success,

-Steven ✌️🍕


Interview: The 3 M’s to Building Sticky AF Brands


The New Normal